
Where Is Your Sign?

by M.C. Greene
Where Is Your Sign

It’s the middle of February, and, here in Georgia, I find myself regularly gazing out my window searching for signs of an early spring. Days like today give me hope. The sky is a clear blue and the air feels like the promise of something soon to come. I won’t even lament that we’re almost two months into the year. Both The Greatest Kid On The Planet and I celebrated our birthday in January, and that means it was a month of family, friends, and festivities.

Over the past weeks, I’ve been conversing with a great guy named Geoff. Geoff lives in the Northeast, in one of those wintery, cold weather places. When I first heard from Geoff, he told me he’d read my post from last summer about opening new doors. To me, last summer seems like forever ago for all that has transpired since. But I do remember writing those words and where I was when I wrote them. The Greatest Kid and I were at the beginning of a new adventure.

Geoff told me he’s read that post over and over, and he keeps coming back to something I said. Last summer, I wrote that I believe we’re supposed to keep moving, and that, sometimes, the place we thought we would stay is really just another step toward where we’re supposed to go. I also said I’ve come to believe the Universe knows better than I do where I’m supposed to be.

Geoff, like me, believes the Universe brings you guidance when you ask for it. I was intrigued and inspired hearing about his faith and conviction that answers always come when he needs them, and they always lead him in the right direction. This, Geoff said, is why he has believed for a long time that he would find a way out of his current circumstance to a place of peace and happiness.

Geoff, like so many of us at times, has found himself in a place he’s struggling to navigate. It would seem everything in his life is out of order, and, even though he’s been asking for guidance, the answers haven’t come.

“I always tell myself to be patient and wait for it, but I’ve been waiting a really long time.”

For Geoff, the previous years have brought a myriad of changes, a new job, a new house, and new responsibilities. They all seemed like logical choices, and, at times, it was what was expected of him. But with each one, he felt he was moving further away from where he really wanted to be. And now, Geoff says, he feels stuck. The years have gone by and left him feeling discontented, and, sometimes, downright unhappy.

I think many of us find ourselves in that same place. We make what seems like the reasonable choice, and we ignore the feeling in our gut telling us it’s not the right one. Some of us spend years, even a good part of our lives, trying to ignore that feeling of discontent. We wind up going through our days feeling unhappy, and we begin to wonder why God hasn’t answered our prayers, or why the Universe won’t send us a sign, or why good thoughts don’t bring good things like people tell us to believe.

For Geoff, the years passed by and brought him more questions than answers. The only thing he was sure of was that he was moving in the wrong direction.

“I know what I want and this isn’t it, but I don’t know what to do to change it. And I don’t know what the Universe is trying to tell me. What am I missing?”

That is a question I’ve asked myself many times. But I wonder if, sometimes, we don’t see what’s in front of us because we’re waiting for what we think the answer should be.

What if the answer has been with us all along?

I think, sometimes, we ask the Universe for a sign, and when the one we want doesn’t come, we wonder why we didn’t get an answer. But maybe we ignore the signs the Universe is sending because they’re not the ones we were hoping for. They’re not the ones that make things simple and easy and drop all the pieces perfectly into place. It’s hard to admit, but I think what we’d really like is for the Universe to fix things for us and make everything the way we want it to be. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that way. Yes, I do believe miracles can happen and things can change overnight. But, more often, the Universe tells us to move in a certain direction, and, when we do, that is when things begin to happen.

The hard part for many of us to accept is this; sometimes, the answer we’re looking for isn’t a change in the people or things around us. Sometimes, it’s simply a feeling.

Geoff did what so many of us often do. He followed what he thought was the logical, and he admits, easier path, even though it took him further away from what he wanted. And he ignored the feeling in his gut telling him he was going the wrong way.

Geoff told me that, while he still believes he will receive the guidance he’s been waiting for, he has started to lose hope.

Here is what I really love about the Universe. It doesn’t hold a grudge.

Each and every one of us is a master creator. And our thoughts create our life, and good thoughts bring good things. But we have to remember that it works both ways. If we think our goals are unattainable, then we often wind up pushing them further out of reach. In essence, if we believe something is impossible, then it is.

But the good news is, we can change our thoughts at any time.

Something I’ve been telling The Greatest Kid over recent years as he’s grown older and more responsible and autonomous in his decision making is this; nothing is impossible. Replace the word impossible with the word inevitable and think in the direction you want to go. And, most importantly, if it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. Because if it doesn’t feel right, then it isn’t.

One thing I’m sure of is that the Universe will not lead us down a wayward path. But it can only meet us where we are. The absolute peace and happiness we feel when we are doing what we love, and the ease and clarity that comes from following what feels right, that is the Universe, and our inner self, telling us we’re on the right path.

But that uncomfortable feeling in our gut, the inkling that something isn’t right, the feeling of discontent we keep trying to ignore, that is a sign that we are moving in the wrong direction.

Another thing I know is the Universe will not tell us to stay stuck.

Everything around us is in constant motion, and it’s about energy and vibration and synchronicity and alignment, and it wants to take us where we want to go. And it’s trying to. But we need to move our feet in the direction our gut is telling us to move, even if it doesn’t seem like the easy way to get there. We overthink and talk ourselves out of our desires because we think they’re unattainable. But we don’t see what’s ahead of us. We don’t see the opportunities that are going to open up for us along the way, or the choices we’ll have or the people who will come into our life and help lead us to our destination.

As I was talking to Geoff about his faith and where the years have brought him, I couldn’t help but wonder…if we believe the Universe will guide us and lead us to where we want to go, and we’re telling it with clarity and intention what will bring us peace and happiness, then why do we think it would take us anywhere but? It’s true, the getting there won’t always be easy. And it likely won’t happen overnight. But that doesn’t mean we’re not being moved in the right direction. Maybe what we need to do is take our foot off the break. Maybe the only thing stopping us from achieving our desire is our unwillingness to step outside of our comfort zone. Even the smallest change can bring things into our life we never imagined. But, first, we have to be willing to make that change. Simply put, our feet have to follow our faith.

Years ago, when The Greatest Kid was much younger, I started a mantra in my head. I asked the Universe for the right place and the right people for The Greatest Kid to follow his dream. But twelve months ago, I felt stuck, and I was running out of time. I knew we weren’t in the right place, but I had no idea where the right place was. So, I did the only thing I could do. I surrendered. Despite my fears and uncertainties, I let go of what I thought was supposed to happen and followed what was placed in front of me, even though it was anything but easy. Today, everything looks different than it did a year ago, including the view outside my window.

As I look back now, I can see how the years have led us from one place to another. It’s been a hard road. We’ve moved so many times, but each move brought us closer to where we wanted to be. All along, the Universe was propelling us in the right direction even though I couldn’t see it.

So, if we are looking for a sign, maybe it’s not going to be what we’re expecting or even hoping. Maybe we’re not going to wake up and find everything has changed overnight and slid into place. And maybe our questions won’t all be answered at one time. In fact, it’s possible the answer won’t be something we can see at all. It may be that feeling that has been with us all along. It may be the uncomfortable feeling in our gut that won’t go away. Or, perhaps, it’s the discontent we’ve been trying to ignore for years. Maybe the Universe is waiting for us to finally listen.

Maybe, in fact, we are the thing that needs to change. And, maybe, it’s time to put our feet together with our faith.

When I last spoke with Geoff, it sounded as if he is thinking about his direction. And he said he is starting to reconsider some of his past decisions.

“I don’t know how it’s all going to work out, but I know where I am now isn’t right. I guess I need to start thinking about what feels right and not just what seems easy.”

What feels right. Yes. I like that.

It sounds like you’ve found your answer, my friend.

M.C. Greene

Thank you, Geoff, for your honest and candid conversation. Your faith is an inspiration.

This lovely photo was taken by Zoja.

P.S. Don’t Forget About Me


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Daniel March 21, 2022 - 2:27 pm

One hundred percent true. Everything works for the good of those who believe and are willing to do the work.

Zane March 20, 2022 - 4:10 pm

So true. I’ve learned to watch for and recognize the signs from the universe. You can’t force it. You have to let go and let it happen.

Lee March 17, 2022 - 1:18 pm

The limiting beliefs I have told myself for years are the reason why nothing has happened for me the way I want. Now I am focusing on the positives in a much better way. And will continue to focus and improve.

Dominic March 12, 2022 - 12:32 pm

I am the master of my own fate. What you believe and expect will come to you. Believe and you can achieve

Michelle March 10, 2022 - 7:06 pm

We really have to be careful in the way we think and what we believe about ourself. Such a slight change in mindset can make a huge amount of difference. Life doesn’t happen ‘to’ us. That is the victims mindset. Life happens ‘for’ us. This is the gratitude mindset. We must really be careful with our words and beliefs as they plant very fertile seeds of positivity or negativity, and both can grow abundant if we are not vigilant.

Helen March 4, 2022 - 3:29 pm

I love this, as I had been battling through resistance and rest, I learned I had to make a change in order to change. So I did. I started taking care of myself and started getting back into my passions. I have more clarity today understanding this. Thank you.

Robie March 4, 2022 - 10:12 am

Last night I prayed for direction with my job. Then this morning I found this. The Universe and my inner being is guiding me and I am grateful.

Bret March 1, 2022 - 10:22 am

You are always one decision away from a totally different life.

Patrece February 28, 2022 - 11:08 am

Replace impossible with inevitable. Yes! Keep moving toward your dreams and anything is possible!

Monica February 26, 2022 - 9:23 am

I’m having this issue right now because I’m trying to protect myself from being disappointed. I know what I want but I’m afraid it’s not going to happen.

Ines March 6, 2022 - 10:41 am

I used to do that, too! For years I was afraid to get my hopes up for anything. I would think “why bother because it’s not going to happen”. But that is how you keep good things from happening to you. Now I’ve learned to ask for it and expect it. That’s where your faith comes in! And the good things I ask for always happen!

Eugene February 25, 2022 - 3:44 pm

Sometimes the frustration that triggers the desire overshadows the desire. It’s hard to see the light when drowning in the darkness.

Ursula February 25, 2022 - 12:59 pm

So good! I’ve been following this advice for years. Focus on what feels good. It has changed my life so much.

Travis February 24, 2022 - 2:05 pm

Thank you for this wonderful message at just the right moment.

Jayne February 23, 2022 - 8:46 pm

I realized a while ago that I have never LOVED any job I’ve had. I’ll focus on what feels right with the intention of creating a job I love.

Jin February 23, 2022 - 1:21 pm

Difficult to make yourself believe something you don’t though

Tamara February 23, 2022 - 9:29 am

I love this. I learned I had to make a change in order to change. So I did. I started taking care of myself and started getting back into my passions. I have more clarity and peace and happiness today because of it. Thank you.

Donald February 22, 2022 - 12:41 pm

Do you know when you read something and you think “this person is writing about me”? That is how I felt reading this.

Barbara February 22, 2022 - 10:12 am

You are such an inspiration. Thank you!

Liz February 22, 2022 - 9:19 am

You hit the nail on the head with this one. I wish it was easier to follow that uncomfortable feeling. Even when you know you’re moving away from what you want it still can be so hard to make a change. I’m feeling a little like I’ve dug myself into a hole.

Anita February 21, 2022 - 5:01 pm

“Our feet have to follow our faith”. Perfectly said!! Love This!

Geoff W. February 21, 2022 - 11:37 am

Thank you.

Shanna February 20, 2022 - 8:12 pm

This is so my life right now.

Denise February 20, 2022 - 1:53 pm

This! I love when you say the universe doesn’t hold a grudge. It’s hard to get it into our heads that our thinking shapes our reality. I feel like it’s hard to get out of my negative thoughts. I have to keep reminding myself this!


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