
When We Ignore The Red Flags

by M.C. Greene
When We Ignore The Red Flags

It’s the first week in July, and we are halfway through our summer break. This week it finally feels like we’re on vacation. The month of June was filled with traveling from place to place and one football tournament after another, and The Greatest Kid On The Planet is tired. So is his mom. But, today, we are relaxing by the shore in one of our favorite places with some of our favorite people. The ocean is quiet this morning, and it looks lazy, as if reluctant to make too much effort in the early morning sun. But I know, soon enough, the tide will awaken, and we will spend the afternoon hours floating in the waves. It’s a break The Greatest Kid really needs for, in just a matter of days, he will be back on the football field. He is learning life doesn’t get easier as you get older and start chasing your dreams. I find myself clinging to these moments as I watch him growing into the man he is to become. I know the days of long, lazy summer vacations are over, at least for the time being, and while I miss those days, I would never trade away where we are now. I know the best is yet to come.

As I’m sitting here searching the ocean for answers, I’m contemplating a conversation I had a short time ago with a young woman named Jayna. When Jayna first wrote to me, she had just ended a two year long relationship.

Jayna had read my previous post about letting go and moving past the pain, and she said that was where she currently was. And then she said something curious.

“I don’t know why I held on for so long when I knew from the beginning it wasn’t right.”

I asked Jayna what she meant, and she answered that, for a long time, she’d thought, or, at least, she’d convinced herself, that it could and would get better. But it never did.

“I had this perfect picture in my mind, and I kept hoping for that. In the end, it was just a disaster, and I feel like I wasted two years of my life. I should have left sooner.”

I wonder how many of us wind up saying those same words at some point. And I wonder, why do we do it? Why do we stay even when it doesn’t feel right?

Hindsight, they say, is twenty-twenty. But is it truly all hindsight? Or do we own some of it from the start?

One thing I think is true for all of us is that we all want to be loved and to feel affection, and to experience a genuine connection with another person. We’re wired for it. We’re wired for connection and communication, and we all desire and deserve to be heard and seen and valued and understood.

But I also think that, sometimes, we want it so badly we ignore what’s right in front of us, and we pretend we don’t see what we see.

It makes sense that, when we meet someone new, we want to give it a fair chance. And we should. Relationships take time to build. But, too often, in the spirit of giving it a chance, we push away the voice in the back of our head or the feeling in the pit of our stomach telling us that something isn’t right.

The real problem comes when we find ourselves doing that over and over again.

There is a difference between giving someone the benefit of the doubt and making excuses for their behavior, especially when it becomes a pattern. Repeated behaviors that are hurtful or disrespectful, or that make us feel unwanted or unworthy, are behaviors we shouldn’t make excuses for, not for anyone.

So, why do we do it? Why do we lead ourselves into rough waters? When we know the ride is rarely fun?

I have to wonder what it is we think we stand to gain by ignoring the red flags that are, sometimes, waving boldly right in front of us. We’ve all done it, myself included.

Instead of acknowledging what we see, we sift and we sort. We pull out the good parts and we find a way to disregard or make excuses for the bad. And then we gather together all of the pieces we like, and we try to make them fit.

But the problem with pretending we don’t see what’s in front of us is it doesn’t bring us what we want. It doesn’t bring us the love we truly desire. It doesn’t bring us joy or contentment, or a sense of peace or a genuine commitment. It doesn’t bring us anywhere near where we want to be and, in fact, does just the opposite. We are keeping ourselves far from all we hope for, and we are, instead, pretending to have something we don’t really have.

The truth is, we can only ignore that feeling of discontent for so long before that voice in our head becomes louder, and the feeling that something isn’t right grows stronger. We can choose to listen to that feeling, and we can make a different choice for ourselves. And sometimes we do.

But often, we try to bury that feeling, and after a while, it becomes a part of us, a feeling we feel but don’t acknowledge, and little by little, we change. We go from just accepting to settling for something, and the years go by until, one day, we look around and realize we are no longer the person we once were.

It seems like a high price to pay, doesn’t it, for something that was never meant for us?

Something I learned a long time ago that I know we all struggle to put into practice is this:  If it feels like it isn’t right, it’s because it isn’t. Let it go.

I know those words are so much easier said than done. But maybe we should ask ourselves what it is we’re looking for. Do we want to keep starting over and over until we’ve worn ourselves down? Or are we looking for something that lasts?

Perhaps it all begins with learning to respect ourselves. And perhaps we need to stop second guessing our own intuition. We show ourselves great disrespect when we ignore what we feel and what we know.

Our intuition is everything. It is the infinite spirit inside each of us that is trying to guide us to our true self. It knows where we are supposed to be, and it knows what is meant for us and what isn’t. We all have it. It is up to us whether or not we listen to it.

When we ignore our inner self, we are ignoring our guide, the part of us that knows us better than we know ourselves. It knows everything about us, and it knows when we are getting ourselves into a situation we are not supposed to be in. The red flags waving in front of us, the ones we’re trying to pretend aren’t there, those are our guidance system. They are a part of us, and they are trying to warn us away from danger. I’ve seen those red flags waving on the shore. They are telling us to stay away. It isn’t safe.

Perhaps before getting to know someone else, we should strive to genuinely know ourselves. And before looking for someone to love, we should learn to love ourselves first.

Part of self-love means setting healthy boundaries and choosing to step away from relationships that make us feel less than valued. We disrespect ourselves when we ignore that voice in the back of our mind. Choosing to put ourselves first means recognizing and acknowledging that voice, trusting it, and listening to it. When we respect that inner guidance system, we are less likely to settle for something we know isn’t real or right for us.

At the end of the day, no matter the circumstance and no matter how tempting it may seem in the beginning, when that feeling comes around, it’s telling us the satisfaction we feel will be fleeting in comparison to the pain we will bring upon ourselves if we ignore what we know and pretend we don’t see what we see. The price we will pay is too high, and, sometimes, it will mean losing years of our life.

The hard part, I know, is to be patient and wait for what is really meant for us. But it will find us, when we let it.

For now, I am going to make the most of the few lazy moments this summer will allow us. And in a few days, I will trade sitting by the shore watching the tides for standing by the sidelines, watching The Greatest Kid run like the wind and be his amazing self. And I will bring with me the lessons I learned watching the waves turn one after the other in perpetual motion. There is peace and harmony in watching the perfect rhythm of the way things are supposed to be. It reminds me that we all have that perfect peace and harmony inside of us. We simply have to be willing to find it and not sacrifice it for anything when we do.

Something I’ve said before that I will say again is this:

We all deserve love and respect, and kindness and consideration, and the ability to chase our dreams and share our visions, and to express ourselves and be ourselves, and to feel loved, and valued, and heard, and understood. I know I do. And I know everyone else does, too.

But our peace of mind and our well-being, and our sense of self-worth and our self-respect, should not be the price we pay for what is supposed to be love.

M.C. Greene

Thank you, Jayna, for your honest and candid conversation. I think you are very brave. Please be kind to yourself.

P.S.  This Is What I Know

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Dannie July 16, 2022 - 10:23 pm

Lesson learned. Moving forward, I will be more cautious and not be so quick to care so much so quickly that I overlook things I shouldn’t.

Liz July 16, 2022 - 5:03 pm

No battle here. I know my worth and the minute you show me you don’t, I’m gone,

Zach July 15, 2022 - 7:01 pm

The wrong relationship doesn’t kill you. It kill parts in you. It kills your spirit. It kills the inner you. It destroys your outlook on love and life and you have to live with the belief that you aren’t enough. It’s hard to move on after that.

Jennifer July 15, 2022 - 2:29 pm

Yes. Fall in love with someone who treats you right and makes it clear they care about you, that they are willing to commit to you. Someone who sees you as you are and loves you just the way you are. Someone who is very proud of you that you are their person, forever and always..

Erin July 15, 2022 - 1:22 pm

Sadly the really good people are hard to find because of others mistreating them. This way is why so many people have just given up on finding the right person. I used to be one of them but now I finally have a good guy in my life for over 2 years now. Never give up. You never know when you will find the right one

Kevin July 14, 2022 - 11:31 pm

I’m better off single and not meeting anybody for a long time. I need to work on myself instead of trying to fix someone else.

Ivy July 14, 2022 - 2:16 pm

This is so true. Yes, easier said then done but what is the alternative? You need to move on and find someone who can give you what you want and what you need. Not everyone is for you. Stop holding onto people who don’t value you and add peace and happiness to your life. Life is too short to be hanging around with the wrong people and being unhappy.

Bennie July 14, 2022 - 10:32 am

Better to be with no one than to be with the wrong one.

Heidi July 14, 2022 - 10:01 am

Walk away is what I say.

Nellie July 13, 2022 - 10:40 pm

Been there done that too many times. Started over too many times. I don’t trust anyone anymore. If your actions don’t match your words then we’re done.

Rae July 13, 2022 - 9:16 pm

Amen to this.

Len July 13, 2022 - 3:02 pm

This is exactly what I needed today! Thank you!

Eileen July 13, 2022 - 11:46 am

Sometimes we make wrong decisions and trust the wrong people. Must move on and make wiser decisions and grow from your mistakes

Marla July 13, 2022 - 9:47 am

You should never sacrifice your peace of mind and self worth for anyone. Walk away if they don’t deserve you and find someone who does.

Brittney July 13, 2022 - 8:42 am

Yup ignored them all the way up until after we got married and only ended up getting drained and left in debt after working extra hours at my job to help him “build” his business. No longer letting people use me as a step ladder to climb to the top and then kick me out from under them when they think they’ve gotten there. Not falling for that again.

Elsie July 12, 2022 - 7:30 pm

I’m waiting patiently for someone to prove to me they care by their actions and not just their words. Words don’t mean a thing to most people anymore. Honesty, respect, loyalty, and faithfulness. All I really want. Extremely difficult to find.

Kyra July 12, 2022 - 5:02 pm

Yes the price is too high! I learned that the hard way. Spent years of my life with someone who never treated me right. Those are years I will never get back. Now I’m focused on me.

Tess July 12, 2022 - 2:48 pm

If you get that gut feeling that something is just not right about that person or situation, trust it .

Kadie July 12, 2022 - 11:43 am

This! Hit the nail on the head.

Adam July 12, 2022 - 11:19 am

You need to be willing to accept better for yourself. You don’t deserve hurt, disappointment or upset. You deserve someone who will put in what you put in and just as committed to go through the ups and downs with you as you are. You just keep doing you and you’ll find the right one.

Kellie July 11, 2022 - 8:02 pm

Being single is way better than being cheated on, lied to and manipulated by someone who claims to love you.

Trisha July 11, 2022 - 5:40 pm

OMG! So spot on & I can’t afford to lose myself AGAIN! It’s too hard to find yourself & a large price to pay for nothing but hurt

Jayna July 11, 2022 - 2:54 pm

Thank you!

Rita July 11, 2022 - 12:59 pm

Life is short. Walk away from people who don’t deserve you.

Gary July 10, 2022 - 7:33 pm

I wish I wasted only two years….

Kerrie July 10, 2022 - 4:47 pm

I always trust my intuition. It’s never been wrong. I can feel it if it’s not right and then I’m gone, Did the dumb thing and stayed around when I shouldn’t have too many times and I don’t have time for that anymore.

James July 10, 2022 - 10:04 am

I don’t trust anyone anymore.

Carmen July 9, 2022 - 10:45 pm

People don’t change. Don’t hang around hoping things will change and get better because they never do. If they don’t treat you right then move on and find someone who treats you the way you want to be treated.

Paul July 9, 2022 - 1:21 pm

The heart wants what it wants and we play this battle between what our head is telling us and what our heart wants. Do the smart thing and listen to your head. Your heart will f**k you every time.

Ida July 9, 2022 - 11:23 am

No it’s not hindsight. It’s all on us. We know what we’re doing when we ignore the signs but we do it anyway. No one else to blame.

Madge July 8, 2022 - 6:19 pm

This! People treat you the way you allow them to. I learned that the hard way.

Edmond July 8, 2022 - 2:48 pm

Yup, easier said then done… wish that wasn’t true.


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