
Watermelon And Cucumber Salad

by M.C. Greene

It’s August, and we’re making the most of our last full month of summer. The Greatest Kid On The Planet has gone back to school, and the house is quiet again, but our kitchen is still in full-on summer mode. We can’t get enough of the fresh fruits and vegetables we find at the market during this time of year, and this simple Watermelon And Cucumber Salad has become one of our favorites.

We love watermelon, and summer is the best time to find this delicious fruit at its sweetest and best. Not a summer day goes by that our refrigerator isn’t loaded with it. I like the seedless melons we find here in the South, and when paired together with some garden grown cucumbers and freshly crumbled feta, it creates a dish that is simply delicious.

I’ve seen a number of variations for this recipe, but I like to prepare it with the fresh lime dressing you’ll find featured on Dinner at the Zoo. If you haven’t checked out this fabulous food blog by Sara Welch, you’re really missing out!

Here is what you’ll need: 

3 cups seedless watermelon, cut into cubes
1 1/2 cups cucumber with the seeds removed, halved and sliced thick
2 tablespoons fresh mint, thinly sliced, or small mint leaves
1/3 cup (or more!) feta cheese, crumbled

You can skip the lime dressing if you’d like, and this dish will still be fabulous. But the combination of the tangy taste of the lime together with the sweetness of the watermelon is pretty fantastic. Along with the feta, it has just the right amount of zip.

Lime Dressing:

3 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lime juice
Salt and pepper to taste


Place the watermelon and cucumber together in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, whisk together the olive oil, lime juice, and salt and pepper. Then drizzle the lime dressing over the watermelon and cucumber as you toss them together.

Finally, add your feta cheese and fresh mint leaves. And enjoy!

This dish pairs well with just about anything you can cook up on the grill. And it’s delicious on its own. This is one of The Greatest Kid’s summer favorites. We hope you love it!

If you like this recipe, try the Summer Stone Fruit Salad made with white peaches and tomatoes. It’s amazing!

M.C. Greene

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