Early this morning, summer vacation officially came to an end, and The Greatest Kid On The Planet went off to school. It was his first day of middle school, and the first time I didn’t walk him to the bus stop on day one. He’s a sixth-grader now, a big kid getting on the bus with other big kids, and walking to the bus stop with his mom just isn’t cool.
In a way, I miss the days when he was a little less independent, but not as much as I enjoy where we are now. Other parents often tell me to cherish every moment, because before I know it, he’ll be off to college. It all goes by in the blink of an eye.
But for me, it doesn’t feel that way. I remember the first time I held my son, how small he was, and how enchanted I felt as he lay in my arms, but it doesn’t feel like it was yesterday. There has been so much life and living in between that time and today, so many people, events, places, so many moments, all of them complete and fully felt.
Life is a series of endings and beginnings, and we try to make the most of each one. We love summer and being on vacation, and we hate to see it end. We enjoy the time off, and the beach, and the fun with family, and the sand and the surf. And I especially love marveling through the produce in the market, filling my basket with the gems and jewels that only summer can bring.
Now, it’s going to be quiet in the house again with The Greatest Kid back at school. But I’ll fill the silence with my own thoughts, and when that gets to be too much, Masako’s A Tale of Lonely Otter will fill in the empty spaces.
But even while the end of vacation is followed closely by the waning of our summer days, there is only a faint shadow of disappointment. For, as we say in our home, no matter where we are or what we’re doing, there is always something to look forward to.