
How Is Your View?

by M.C. Greene

It’s one of those amazing almost-the-end-of-summer mornings, and the air feels light. The temperature is a little cool, just shy of an actual chill. The sun is just now peeking through the trees, and the leaves are mostly still, dancing every now and then on an amiable little breeze that’s skirting through. There have been a few mornings like this as of late. Although, by mid-day, we’ll undoubtedly be reminded that, here in the South, summer isn’t quite through with us yet.

Even through the heat of the season, the first thing I do each morning is sit here on my back porch and breathe in the air. I find my way out here often, whether it’s early before the sun rises, or late at night with only the moon and stars as companions. This is where I find inspiration. I’m drawn to places where I feel peaceful and can let my mind wander, like this spot on my porch, or the seashore with the tide coming and going in a continuous roll that never ends.

The Greatest Kid On The Planet is a lot like me. He loves the moon and the stars and the ocean, and he can sit with me and stare at the sky for hours. During the summer, we often take a blanket down to the beach late at night and lie in the sand staring up at the constellations with the sound of the waves in our ears. Sometimes, we feel as if we could stay that way forever, and we probably would if the darkness would oblige. Like The me, Greatest Kid finds peace in letting his mind wander over things that have no beginning and no end, and in questions that have no answers.

But The Greatest Kid is also a fierce competitor, and he is inspired by the thrill of the chase. He revels in the sight of the field, the sounds and the smells, and in the look on the faces of his opponents. He is empowered by the feel of his muscles moving faster and faster, and even faster still. He says, sometimes, when he’s running, he feels as if he could fly, and, watching him, I know this must be true, and I believe someday he will. Because that is what he sees. It’s the vision he has for himself and who he will be, and that vision is the one he believes.

Watching him realize his own potential, and seeing him take it further and further, makes me want to be that way, too.

The Greatest Kid has learned the Universe is the “giver of gifts”, and what he sees in himself and everyone around him is what it will continue to bestow. It is simply his job to choose the right view.

And so, we surround ourselves with things that inspire us. We know as we send forth the vision we have for our lives, the Universe will listen closely not only to who we choose to be, but also, to what we choose to see.

Each day, we make the choice to choose love instead of hate, and to encourage unity and forgiveness instead of blame.

We choose to have faith in place of doubt, and to choose empathy instead of anger.

And we know if we want our lives to be filled with love and acceptance, and peace and prosperity, then we must look for the good in others, choose to be understanding, and adopt an attitude of kindness, compassion, and grace.

It’s up to us to choose what we see, and the Universe will return the same. Sitting on my back porch, surrounded by all that is endless, I’m reminded that, each day, I have the chance to create something amazing, and the only limits are the ones I set for myself. The Greatest Kid believes only good things happen, if he can see it, he can be it, and the answer is always yes.

Each day, we are choosing the palette by which to paint our own canvas, so how can we not look around with a sense of wonder? It is up to us to live lives that feed our souls and fill our spirits.

So, if we find we are not where we envisioned we would be, then perhaps it’s time to look around and examine our perspective, and make a change in what we see.

M.C. Greene

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