
Five Favorites

by M.C. Greene
Weedy Sea Dragon

Lately, our days have been filled with so many of our favorite things. Here are some favorites we’ve enjoyed that have kept us smiling throughout the past weeks. I hope they make you smile, too!

The Greatest Kid On The Planet and I never fail to stop and stare at the moon, and so far this year, we’ve been lucky enough to see two amazing super moons. While February’s Super Snow Moon was breathtaking and the biggest super moon that will grace the sky in 2019, I have to say that January’s Super Blood Wolf Moon was our favorite. On January 20, we stood outside on a frigid night and braved the cold air for as long as we could, then found a perfect view from inside. It was an unforgettable sight! If you missed it, here are some beautiful pictures of that mesmerizing spectacle. Super Blood Wolf Moon 2019  

We often marvel at the wonders of Mother Nature, and there is never any shortage of things to be fascinated by. This little sea creature, known as the Weedy Sea Dragon, is a relative of the Leafy Sea Dragon. It’s found in the temperate waters off the coasts of Australia and Tasmania. In the springtime, male and female Weedy Sea Dragons perform a unique little dance. We love this video. The Weedy Sea Dragon

A short time ago, Rachel W. from Deerfield, MA, sent us a story about a family-owned business in Shelburne Falls, MA, called Eddie’s Wheels for Pets. Eddie and his wife, Leslie, along with their daughter and a handful of employees, develop custom-made wheelchairs for disabled animals so those furry friends can become mobile again. Over the past twenty years, Eddie’s Wheels for Pets has helped animals all over the world including dogs, cats, sheep, goats, and pigs! What a heartwarming story! Thank you, Rachel W., for sending this to us! Eddie’s Wheels For Pets

We love inspiring stories about real-life heroes. In 2006, nineteen year old Maggie Doyne traveled to Nepal where she was devastated by the many orphans she saw there. Using all the money she’d saved while growing up, and with the help of some supporters, she bought land in the Surkhet Valley in Nepal and built a school and a children’s home. Today, the orphanage is home to fifty children, and hundreds of others have been helped and educated through Maggie’s efforts. In 2007, she co-founded an organization called BlinkNow to support the youth of Nepal, and in 2015, Maggie was awarded the CNN Hero of the Year Award. What an amazing young woman! A Hero Named Maggie Doyne

The Greatest Kid and I love music, and we regularly break out into song lyrics at random times during the day. Not long ago, I came across this video of one of our favorite songs. It’s been stuck in our heads and has been resonating throughout our home ever since. This song is a classic. There is nothing like driving down the road and belting out these lyrics with a bunch of twelve-year-olds. And this video is an absolute gem. Crowd of 65,000 Sings Bohemian Rhapsody

I hope your week is filled with all of your favorite things! Tomorrow, March 20, is the first official day of Spring. Tomorrow night, a Super Worm Moon, the third and final super moon of 2019, will light up the sky. Don’t miss it!

M.C. Greene

(This amazing photo was taken by Pere Soler)

P.S. More Five Favorites


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