by M.C. Greene

Have you ever looked around at your life and said, "How the devil did I get here?"

We all, at some point in our lives, suffer through disappointments and hardship, grief and heartache, and moments when we’re sure we will break. For me, one of my worst moments came the day I looked into the mirror and found I didn’t recognize the person looking back at me. I can only say I was rescued from my none-too-brief departure from myself by a much needed and undeserved Saving Grace from above. When the fog finally lifted, and my feet found solid ground, I did what I always do when something is weighing heavily on my heart and on my head, I began writing about it.    

As someone who has always focused on fiction, I learned something very early on in my journey into self discovery. It can be a little scary. Be ready to look yourself in the eye and ask some really tough questions. And be prepared that you may not like all the answers.

I also rediscovered something I’ve always known. I’m infinitely curious about people and human nature. I want to understand why we do the things we do. And why we don’t do the things we know we should. I want to know why we let fear stop us from being who we really want to be. And why we’re afraid to show people who we really are.

Clearly, I have more questions than answers, but that won’t stop me from asking, nor from pondering into the wee hours. As a creature of habit, the only way I know to quiet the internal monologue is to write about it. So, to that end, welcome to The Good Heart. 

What I’ve discovered on this journey into the inexplicable realm of human behavior is that life, while sometimes wildly unpredictable, is truly an adventure, and the people, places, and things along the way that move us, teach us, or simply make us smile are what matter most. These are the things that really inspire me. And, of course, being a single mom to The Greatest Kid On The Planet.

Oh, and food, too. We love food. 

What has become most clear to me over the years, especially since I began writing The Good Heart, and which I try daily to impress upon The Greatest Kid On The Planet, (yes, that’s his real name), is that, even in the midst of all the uncertainty, and no matter how difficult life gets, the greatest gift you can give yourself is to have a good heart and to look for the good in others (especially after you’ve been disappointed). Every day, you can make the choice to look for the extraordinary in the seemingly ordinary, to believe that everything is possible, and, most of all, to live, love, and laugh with all you’ve got. 

M.C. Greene